
Save thousands on software tools with Secret

Published on
September 30, 2023
Matthew Gira
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There are a lot of things to pay for when you’re starting a new business. There are the incorporation fees, the fee for a domain, and then all of the costs for software just to get things started.

Thankfully, there is a bit of a cheat code to some of it. That cheat code, in my opinion, is one particular premium membership: Secret.

With Secret, you can save thousands of dollars on software tools you might already be using for just a couple hundred dollars.

Personally, I’ve been recommending Secret for years now to friends and colleagues and it’s felt like cheating. One, because of all of the discounts and credits, but two, because it’s a great library of tools.

For example, if you’re in the market for a customer support tool, well, you can just go to link in the description and boom, find a few different customer support tools and most likely, get discounts and credits to try them out.

It also doesn’t hurt that Jean-Loup and the Secret team are great to work with. Their team is super easy to support.

Join Secret Here
Note: the link above is an affiliate link, so I get some credit.

New Deals always being added on Secret

The Secret team is always adding new deals to Secret and they put them right in front of you once you log in to Secret with a premium membership.

At the time of writing this post, they added the ability to save over $250 on Zoom, TikTok ad credits, and Cloudflare can be free for an entire year.

Even if you were just to use those deals, that could pay for Secret by itself.

The Secret team sends emails as new deals are added to Secret too, so if you’re don’t log into Secret for a few weeks, don’t sweat it. The Secret team will keep you up to date!

Most Popular Tools on Secret

Once you scroll down after logging in with a premium membership, you’ll see the most popular tools on Secret.

I love this section for two reasons: One, you’re most likely already using at least one of these tools so you can get the credits or discounts right away, and two, you can see what other tools are being used by other founders. If you’re looking to build your tech stack a bit better, this doesn’t give a blueprint necessarily, but gives you a nice starting point.

Here are some of the most popular tools on Secret:

There’s a chance you would use all of these tools in a standard tech stack. If you only used these tools, you would save over $7,000 with a $150/year membership.

Exploring Software Tools with Secret

If you’re someone that isn’t very tech savvy, Secret is nice because you can explore tools without going down a YouTube rabbit role.

For example, let’s say you want to invest more resources into SEO. You can type “SEO” or “marketing” into the search bar into Secret and it’ll show you tools that you can try out.

Secret will show you the tools, give you some discounts and/or credits to try these tools out, and you don’t have to sweat too much if these tools don’t work out since you don’t have to put a significant investment into these tools.

Is Secret worth a premium membership?

Is Secret a tool that takes the cost of your entire tech stack to zero each month? No. However, it gives you a great place to start and in the early days of your venture, it can save you thousands of dollars. Especially if you’re already using the tools or were already planning to! Those dollars could help you pay the bills a bit easier or even help you turn the dollars you’re saving into marketing dollars to help you grow faster.

Secret to me is the best membership for founders since it saves you money even on the first day of your membership and I don’t see how a founder doesn’t get their money’s worth out of the membership. Honestly, even if you only signed up to Secret because you get a $1,000 in Airtable credits, that’s worth it alone…

It’s $150 to get $1,000 for a tool you’re already paying for.

If you want to check Secret out for yourself and become a member, use the link here.